About Me
Welcome to canadalivingguide.ca!

I’m Zeljko, but you can call me Z. It’s a nickname my friends gave me back in Serbia, and it’s stuck with me here in Canada, where I now live with my family.
I work as an engineer in the automotive industry, a journey that began when I moved to Windsor, Ontario. My wife is an accountant, and our boys are still in school.
In my free time, you’ll often find me immersed in the great outdoors with my family. Canada’s vast and diverse landscapes offer boundless opportunities for hiking, biking, and fishing-activities that hold a special place in our hearts. During weekends, we eagerly explore new trails, engage in fishing adventures, and take leisurely bike rides from spring to fall, occasionally revisiting our cherished spots in various parks.
Additionally, I maintain a deep connection to my Serbian heritage, particularly the Orthodox Church, and I’m eager to share my knowledge, opinions, and the challenges we navigate.
Cooking traditional Serbian dishes is another passion of mine. I relish preparing these dishes for my family and friends, ensuring that the flavors and memories of my homeland continue to thrive.
Music also plays a significant role in our household, where Serbian and modern tunes effortlessly meld together, crafting a unique soundtrack to our lives.
This blog is where I share my experiences, thoughts, and stories about our life in Canada, events, news, adventures, and the blend of Serbian and Canadian cultures. I hope to connect with others who share similar interests and provide a glimpse into the life of a Serbian-Canadian family embracing the beauty of both worlds.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope you enjoy reading my posts!