Comprehensive Checklist of Things to Bring to Canada

Moving to Canada as an immigrant involves detailed planning and preparation. Ensuring you have everything you need for this significant transition is vital for a smoother experience.

This guide is designed to help you identify the essential things to bring to Canada, ranging from important personal documents to financial records, including personal belongings and job preparation tools.

Things to bring to Canada - At the customs

Additionally, we will discuss items that are prohibited in Canada and those that require declaration.

By understanding what to pack, you can alleviate the uncertainties and challenges associated with the beginning of your new life in Canada.

Important Things to Bring to Canada

Your Essential Canada Relocation Checklist

  • Passport: Ensure it’s valid for the duration of your stay.
  • Visa/Immigration Documents: Including your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR), work or study permits.
  • Birth Certificate: Original or certified copy.
  • Marriage or Divorce Certificate: If applicable.
  • Driver’s License and/or International Driving Permit: Also consider bringing a driving record statement.
  • Academic Credentials: Diplomas, degrees, transcripts, and other educational certificates.
  • Professional Certifications and Licenses: Relevant to your field of work.
  • Employment Records: Reference letters from previous employers, work portfolio, and updated resume/CV.
  • Medical Records: Vaccination records, medical history, prescriptions, and any necessary health documents.
  • Health Insurance: Proof of coverage (if already arranged) or details for obtaining it in Canada.
  • Children’s Documents: Birth certificates, adoption papers (if applicable), and school records for children accompanying you.
  • Financial Documents: Bank statements, credit reports, proof of funds, and any other relevant financial information.
  • Legal Documents: Any other legal papers that might be relevant, such as court orders or custody documents.
  • Tax Documents: Recent tax returns or other relevant tax information.
  • Customs Declaration Card: This is used to declare the items you are bringing into the country.

Remember, each immigrant’s situation can be unique, so you might need additional documents depending on your specific circumstances. It’s always a good idea to make electronic copies of these documents and keep them securely stored in a cloud service or on a USB drive.

Essential Documents

When moving to Canada, it’s crucial to carry all necessary documents. Your passport, Canadian immigrant visa, and Confirmation of Permanent Residence are the most important, as they are required for entry and legal residence.

Other identification documents like birth and marriage certificates and your driver’s license are equally important for setting up your life in Canada.

Academic and professional certificates, along with references, should be brought along to facilitate job searches and potential educational pursuits. These documents prove your qualifications and can be essential for employment or further studies in Canada.

Financial Preparations

Financial readiness is key to a successful start in Canada. Bring bank statements and detailed credit history to ease the process of opening a Canadian bank account or securing loans. It’s also wise to carry some Canadian currency for immediate needs upon arrival, like transportation or food.

Understanding Canada’s banking system and having financial documents at hand can significantly reduce initial stress and aid in a quicker adjustment to the new financial environment.

Health and Medical Records

Your health and medical records are vital, especially in a new country.

Vaccination records are necessary for both adults and children, as they may be required for school registrations or certain employment. Carry prescriptions and a detailed medical history to ensure continuity in healthcare and to assist new healthcare providers in Canada. These records help in getting timely and appropriate medical care, which is crucial for maintaining good health in a new environment.

Personal Belongings

Packing for Canada’s diverse climate means preparing for both cold winters and warm summers. Include a range of clothing to accommodate these conditions.

Additionally, personal items like photos, keepsakes, and other sentimental objects can provide comfort and a sense of home in a new country. These belongings are not just necessities but also help ease the emotional transition to a new life, making your new environment feel more familiar and welcoming.

Electronics and Adapters

In today’s digital age, bringing electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets can help you stay connected.

However, it’s important to note that Canada uses Type A and Type B electrical plugs. Therefore, packing appropriate adapters for your devices is essential to ensure they can be used without any issues.

Children’s Educational Documents

If you’re immigrating with children, their educational documents are crucial. School records, report cards, and any special certificates or awards should be included in your documentation. These records facilitate the enrollment process in Canadian schools and help educators place your child in the appropriate grade level. They also provide a snapshot of your child’s educational background, aiding teachers in understanding their learning history and needs.

Job Preparation Tools

Adapting your resume or CV to Canadian standards is essential for job hunting. Including work references and portfolios can significantly enhance your employment prospects. These documents demonstrate your skills and experiences, making it easier for potential employers to assess your suitability for a role. Remember, Canadian employers might have different expectations, so it’s wise to research and tailor your job search tools accordingly.

Emergency Preparations

Preparing a list of emergency contacts in Canada, such as local police, medical facilities, and your country’s embassy, can provide a safety net in unexpected situations. Additionally, maintaining a list of contacts in your home country is important for staying connected and for emergencies that may arise back home. This preparation ensures that you have essential support in both your new and former homes.

Things You Need to Declare

When arriving in Canada, completing a Customs Declaration Card is a mandatory step for all travelers, including non-Canadian citizens. This should ideally be done before you disembark from the airplane.

On this card, you need to declare what you are bringing in, including specific items, such as:

  • Gifts
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Currency: Amounts exceeding CDN $10,000.
  • Business goods
  • Plants
  • Food
  • Animals
  • Firearms or other weapons

Here is the information on what personal and household goods you may bring with you without paying duty.

Restricted and prohibited goods

In Canada, strict regulations govern the import of certain goods to protect the country’s environment, public health, and cultural heritage. When considering things to bring to Canada, it’s essential to be aware of prohibited items that you are not allowed to bring into the country. These items include:

  • Cannabis: Despite being legal in Canada, it remains illegal to cross the border with it.
  • Risk-posing Food, Plants, Animals, and Related Products: Items that could harm Canada’s ecosystem or agriculture.
  • Endangered Species and Derivatives: This includes any souvenirs made from parts of endangered species.

Additionally, there are goods for which you might need special permission or written authorization, such as:

  • Health Products and Prescription Drugs: Ensure you understand the specific requirements for these items.
  • Antiques or Cultural Objects: Items with historical significance to their country of origin.
  • Explosives, Fireworks, and Certain Ammunition Types: Strict controls apply to these items. It must be declared upon entering Canada.

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